Rule Update Actions

The list of well-known update actions is provided in this table.

Subsequent versions of this standard may add actions or deprecate actions. Vendors may add actions specific to their business case, but clients are not required to support extensions to be compliant with the standard.

ALPHANUM - This identifies the nature of the update, such as "add" or "modify". Some update types, such as changes to a properties record (e.g. "Sell", "Back on Market"), will imply a set of business rules specific to the server. However, where possible, the following standard type names should be used:

  • Add - Add a new record (CURRENTLY SUPPORTED)
  • Clone - Create a new record by copying an old record (NOT CURRENTLY SUPPORTED)
  • Change - Change an existing record (CURRENTLY SUPPORTED)
  • Delete - Delete an existing record(NOT CURRENTLY SUPPORTED)