
  • Action: A rule category, such as ACCEPT or SET REQUIRED.
  • Block Comment: Delineated by "/" and "/", a block comment can appear within a rule's syntax. CRMLS currently only uses block comments to
  • Claims: Claims are provided by the identity server. Claims provide information on the user, such as security permissions, AOR affiliation, etc...
  • CRMLS: California Regional Multiple Listing Service,
  • Field: A resource field name, such as "ListPrice"
  • Functions: Functions are defined withion the rule syntax as a special operation that takes one or more parameters, for example LOWER("Cat") would return "cat"
  • Lexer/Parser: Parses the rule syntax into a tree of tokens based upon the rule syntax as defined within the lexer and parser definition files. The tokeen tree can then be "walked" and the rule evaluated.
  • Line Comment: The start of a line comment is defined with "//" as the start delimiter. Everything after the start delimiter to the end of line is part of the comment.
  • Logic Block: Rule expressions evaluate to true or false. A logic block is a logical expression bounded with parentheses, for example (x > 3).
  • Operand: An operator normally has a left operand and a right operand
  • Operator: Add, subtract, multiply, divide, ...
  • RESO: Real Estate Standands Organization,
  • Resource: An entity such as a Property, OpenHouse, Member, Office, ...
  • Token: Tokens are the smallest atomic elements of a rule. For example, (ListPrice > 1000000), lexer-parser tokens are "(", "ListPrice", ">", "1000000:, and ")".
  • Update Action: A database operation, such as Add, Clone, Change, or Delete.
  • User Message: A user message is an error or warning message that occurs when a rule is evaluated. The user message is triggered when defined logic blocks within the rule evaluate to predefined conditions of either true or false.