Resource: Property, Field : EstimatedBuyerAgentStateLicense
EstimatedBuyerAgentStateLicense must be valid.
Error Messages
1) ERROR, state license format is invalid for standard status values other than 'pending' or 'active under contract'.
2) ERROR, state license format is invalid, unexpected number of repeated digits.
Fields referenced within this rule
Syntax with comments and error messages
//[ErrMsg1^ERROR, state license format is invalid for standard status values other than 'pending' or 'active under contract'.|LogicBlk1^TRUE|LogicBlk2^FALSE]
//[ErrMsg2^ERROR, state license format is invalid, unexpected number of repeated digits.|LogicBlk1^TRUE|LogicBlk2^TRUE|LogicBlk3^FALSE]
// If entry is not empty or has changed...
IIF((/*[LogicBlk1]*/(.ENTRY. != .EMPTY.).AND.(.ENTRY. != .OLDVALUE.)),
// Then check whether standard status is 'pending' or 'active under contract' and...
// verify entry does not contain digits repeated 7 to 20 times after removing any whitespace.
// Else ACCEPT only if entry is empty.
Syntax only
IIF(((.ENTRY. != .EMPTY.).AND.(.ENTRY. != .OLDVALUE.)),(StandardStatus.IN.('P','U')).AND.(.NOT.MATCH('(^1{7,20}$)|(^2{7,20}$)|(^3{7,20}$)|(^4{7,20}$)|(^5{7,20}$)|(^6{7,20}$)|(^7{7,20}$)|(^8{7,20}$)|(^9{7,20}$)|(^0{7,20}$)',TRIM(.ENTRY.))),.ENTRY. != .EMPTY.)
Rule Unique ID
Rule Number