Resource: Property, Field : PoolFeatures


Error Messages

1) ERROR, the pool features field not valid for the property type.
2) ERROR, the pool features field not valid for the property sub-type.
3) ERROR, the pool features field can either not be present or can be the only thing present.
4) ERROR, the pool features field must have at least one of 'association', 'community', 'private', or 'none'.

Fields referenced within this rule





Syntax with comments and error messages

//[ErrMsg1^ERROR, the pool features field not valid for the property type.|LogicBlk1^FALSE|LogicBlk2^FALSE|LogicBlk3^TRUE|LogicBlk4^FALSE]
//[ErrMsg2^ERROR, the pool features field not valid for the property sub-type.|LogicBlk1^FALSE|LogicBlk2^FALSE|LogicBlk3^TRUE|LogicBlk7^FALSE]
//[ErrMsg3^ERROR, the pool features field can either not be present or can be the only thing present.|LogicBlk1^FALSE|LogicBlk2^FALSE|LogicBlk3^TRUE|LogicBlk6^FALSE]
//[ErrMsg4^ERROR, the pool features field must have at least one of 'association', 'community', 'private', or 'none'.|LogicBlk1^FALSE|LogicBlk2^FALSE|LogicBlk3^TRUE|LogicBlk5^FALSE]
// Grandfather rule... line below
(/*[LogicBlk1]*/(.ENTRY. = .OLDVALUE.).AND..NOT.(((LASTStandardStatus = .EMPTY.).OR.(LASTStandardStatus.IN.('I'))).AND.(StandardStatus.IN.('A','P')))).OR.
// Administrator bypass... line below
// If entry if not empty and has changed...
IIF((/*[LogicBlk3]*/.ENTRY. != .EMPTY.),
// Not valid for the following property types
// Check if 'association', 'community', 'private', or 'none' is present...
// and 'none' is not present or only 'none' is present...
// and not a boatslip or deeded parking
// Else accept the empty entry.
//(IIF((UPPER(CHAR(.ENTRY.)) .IN. ('AS','COM','PVT','NO')), (.TRUE.), (.FALSE.)) .AND.
// (IIF(.NOT.(UPPER(CHAR(.ENTRY.)) .IN. ('NO')),(.TRUE.),(.FALSE.)) .OR.
// IIF(UPPER(CHAR(.ENTRY.)) .IN. ('NO'),(.TRUE.),(.FALSE.))) .AND. .NOT.(PropertySubType .IN. ('BSLP','DDPK'))) .OR.
// (PropertyType .IN. ('Comm','Clse','Busop','Land')) .OR.
// (.ENTRY. = .OLDVALUE.) .AND. .NOT.(((LAST StandardStatus = .EMPTY.) .OR. (LAST StandardStatus = 'I')) .AND. (StandardStatus .IN. ('A','P'))) .OR.
 /  / (PropertySubType.IN.('BSLP','DDPK'))

Syntax only

((.ENTRY. = .OLDVALUE.).AND..NOT.(((LASTStandardStatus = .EMPTY.).OR.(LASTStandardStatus.IN.('I'))).AND.(StandardStatus.IN.('A','P')))).OR.(.USERCLASS..IN.('BANGG','BANGP','BANGM','BANGN','BANGQ')).OR.IIF((.ENTRY. != .EMPTY.),(.NOT.(PropertyType.IN.('Comm','Clse','Busop','Land'))).AND.(COUNT(INTERSECTION(ARRAY(.ENTRY.),SET('AS','COM','PVT','NO'))) > 0).AND.(((COUNT(INTERSECTION(ARRAY(.ENTRY.),SET('NO'))) = 0).OR.((COUNT(ARRAY(.ENTRY.)) = 1).AND.(COUNT(INTERSECTION(ARRAY(.ENTRY.),SET('NO'))) = 1))).AND.(.NOT.(PropertySubType.IN.('BSLP','DDPK')))),.TRUE.) /  / (PropertySubType.IN.('BSLP','DDPK'))

Rule Unique ID


Rule Number