Resource: Property, Field : LotSizeArea


LotSizeArea must be a valid amount dependent on property type.

Error Messages

1) ERROR, the lot area size field is invalid for property types of business opportunity and manufactured in park.
2) ERROR, the lot area size field is invalid for property sub-type of condominium.
3) ERROR, when the lot size units are square feet the valid range of the lot area size field between 99 and 100,000.
4) ERROR, when the lot size units are acres the valid range of the lot area size field between 0 and 435,600,000.

Fields referenced within this rule






Syntax with comments and error messages

//[ErrMsg1^ERROR, the lot area size field is invalid for property types of business opportunity and manufactured in park.|LogicBlk1^FALSE|LogicBlk2^FALSE|LogicBlk3^TRUE|LogicBlk4^FALSE]
//[ErrMsg2^ERROR, the lot area size field is invalid for property sub-type of condominium.|LogicBlk1^FALSE|LogicBlk2^FALSE|LogicBlk3^TRUE|LogicBlk5^FALSE]
//[ErrMsg3^ERROR, when the lot size units are square feet the valid range of the lot area size field between 99 and 100,000.|LogicBlk1^FALSE|LogicBlk2^FALSE|LogicBlk3^TRUE|LogicBlk6^TRUE|LogicBlk7^FALSE]
//[ErrMsg4^ERROR, when the lot size units are acres the valid range of the lot area size field between 0 and 435,600,000.|LogicBlk1^FALSE|LogicBlk2^FALSE|LogicBlk3^TRUE|LogicBlk8^TRUE|LogicBlk9^FALSE]
// Grandfather rule... line below
(/*[LogicBlk1]*/(.ENTRY. = .OLDVALUE.).AND..NOT.(((LASTStandardStatus = .EMPTY.).OR.(LASTStandardStatus = 'I')).AND.(StandardStatus.IN.('A','P')))).OR.
// Admin. bypass... line below
// If entry is not empty and has changed...
IIF((/*[LogicBlk3]*/(.ENTRY. != .EMPTY.).AND.(.ENTRY. != .OLDVALUE.)),
// Then check the the property type is not invalid value of 'business opportunity' or 'manufactured in park" and...
// the property sub-type cannot be condominium and...
// the lot size units are acres and the entry range is between 0 and 100,000 or...
(((/*[LogicBlk6]*/LotSizeUnits.IN.('ACRS')).AND.(/*[LogicBlk7]*/(.ENTRY. > 0).AND.(.ENTRY. < 100000))).OR.
// the lot size units are square feet and the entry range is between 99 and 435,600,000.
((/*[LogicBlk8]*/LotSizeUnits.IN.('SQFT')).AND.(/*[LogicBlk9]*/(.ENTRY. > 99).AND.(.ENTRY. < 435600000)))),
// Else ACCEPT if the entry is empty.
//(PropertyType .IN. ('Busop','Manu')) .OR. (PropertySubType .IN. ('CONDO')) .OR.
//(((LotSizeUnits .IN. ('ACRS')) .AND. ((.ENTRY. > 0) .AND. (.ENTRY. < 100000))) .OR. ((LotSizeUnits .IN. ('SQFT')) .AND. ((.ENTRY. > 99) .AND. (.ENTRY. < 435600000)))) .OR.
 /  / (.ENTRY. = .OLDVALUE.).AND..NOT.(((LASTStandardStatus = .EMPTY.).OR.(LASTStandardStatus = 'I')).AND.(StandardStatus.IN.('A','P')))

Syntax only

((.ENTRY. = .OLDVALUE.).AND..NOT.(((LASTStandardStatus = .EMPTY.).OR.(LASTStandardStatus = 'I')).AND.(StandardStatus.IN.('A','P')))).OR.(.USERCLASS..IN.('BANGG','BANGP','BANGM','BANGN','BANGQ')).OR.IIF(((.ENTRY. != .EMPTY.).AND.(.ENTRY. != .OLDVALUE.)),((.NOT.(PropertyType.IN.('Busop','Manu')))).AND.((.NOT.(PropertySubType.IN.('CONDO')))).AND.(((LotSizeUnits.IN.('ACRS')).AND.((.ENTRY. > 0).AND.(.ENTRY. < 100000))).OR.((LotSizeUnits.IN.('SQFT')).AND.((.ENTRY. > 99).AND.(.ENTRY. < 435600000)))),.ENTRY. = .EMPTY.) /  / (.ENTRY. = .OLDVALUE.).AND..NOT.(((LASTStandardStatus = .EMPTY.).OR.(LASTStandardStatus = 'I')).AND.(StandardStatus.IN.('A','P')))

Rule Unique ID


Rule Number