Resource: Property, Field : VirtualTourURLUnbranded
VirtualTourURLUnbranded must have either 'https://' or 'http://'.
Error Messages
1) ERROR, 'virtual tour URL unbranded' field has invalid URL. URL must start with either 'https://' or 'http://'.
Fields referenced within this rule
Syntax with comments and error messages
//[ErrMsg1^ERROR, 'virtual tour URL unbranded' field has invalid URL. URL must start with either 'https://' or 'http://'.|LogicBlk1^TRUE|LogicBlk2^FALSE]
// If entry is not empty and has changed...
IIF((/*[LogicBlk1]*/(.ENTRY. != .EMPTY.).AND.(.ENTRY. != .OLDVALUE.)),
// Then verify that the URL has one of the expected http prefixes.
(/*[LogicBlk2]*/(SUBSTR(LOWER(CHAR(.ENTRY.)),1,8) = "https://").OR.(SUBSTR(LOWER(CHAR(.ENTRY.)),1,7,) = "http://")),
// Else accept if entry is empty.
Syntax only
IIF(((.ENTRY. != .EMPTY.).AND.(.ENTRY. != .OLDVALUE.)),((SUBSTR(LOWER(CHAR(.ENTRY.)),1,8) = "https://").OR.(SUBSTR(LOWER(CHAR(.ENTRY.)),1,7,) = "http://")),.ENTRY. = .EMPTY.)
Rule Unique ID
Rule Number