Resource: Property, Field : AssociationFee


A valid amount must be entered based on the AssociationFeeFrequency selected.

Error Messages

1) ERROR, Monthly association Fee must be greater or equal to 0 and less than 10,000.
2) ERROR, Quarterly, semi-annual, or annual association Fee must be greater or equal to 0 and less than 100,000.

Fields referenced within this rule




Syntax with comments and error messages

//[ErrMsg1^ERROR, Monthly association Fee must be greater or equal to 0 and less than 10,000.|LogicBlk1^TRUE|LogicBlk2^TRUE|LogicBlk3^FALSE|LogicBlk4^TRUE]
//[ErrMsg2^ERROR, Quarterly, semi-annual, or annual association Fee must be greater or equal to 0 and less than 100,000.|LogicBlk1^TRUE|LogicBlk2^TRUE|LogicBlk5^FALSE|LogicBlk6^TRUE]
// If entry is empty...
IIF((/*[LogicBlk1]*/.ENTRY. != .EMPTY.),
// Then verify the property type is residential and...
// that the entry is in the range $0 to $9,999.99 inclusive and the association fee frequency is monthly and...
(((/*[LogicBlk3]*/(.ENTRY. >= 0.0).AND.(.ENTRY. <= 9999.99)).AND.(/*[LogicBlk4]*/AssociationFeeFrequency.IN.('MO'))).OR.
// that the entry is in the range $0 to $99,999.99 inclusive and the association fee frequency is quarterly, semi-annual, or annual and...
(/*[LogicBlk5]*/(.ENTRY. >= 0.0).AND.(.ENTRY. <= 99999.99)).AND.(/*[LogicBlk6]*/AssociationFeeFrequency.IN.('QTR','ANU','SAN')))),
// Else accept entry

Syntax only

IIF((.ENTRY. != .EMPTY.),((PropertyType.IN.('Resi')).AND.((((.ENTRY. >= 0.0).AND.(.ENTRY. <= 9999.99)).AND.(AssociationFeeFrequency.IN.('MO'))).OR.((.ENTRY. >= 0.0).AND.(.ENTRY. <= 99999.99)).AND.(AssociationFeeFrequency.IN.('QTR','ANU','SAN')))),.TRUE.)

Rule Unique ID


Rule Number