Resource: Office, Field : OfficeKeyNumeric


OfficeKeyNumeric can only be changed by approved administration.

Error Messages

1) ERROR, management permission, but the user member ID does not match the office ID.
2) ERROR, management permission, but the user office ID does not match the office ID.
3) ERROR, user office ID matches the main office ID, but the office is not active.

Fields referenced within this rule





Syntax with comments and error messages

//[ErrMsg1^ERROR, management permission, but the user member ID does not match the office ID.|LogicBlk1^FALSE|LogicBlk2^FALSE|LogicBlk3^TRUE|LogicBlk4^FALSE]
//[ErrMsg2^ERROR, management permission, but the user office ID does not match the office ID.|LogicBlk1^FALSE|LogicBlk2^FALSE|LogicBlk5^TRUE|LogicBlk6^FALSE]
//[ErrMsg3^ERROR, user office ID matches the main office ID, but the office is not active.|LogicBlk1^FALSE|LogicBlk2^FALSE|LogicBlk7^TRUE|LogicBlk8^FALSE]
// Update action is 'Insert/Add' and the user has a permission access type of AOR or CRMLS administrator or...
// Update action is 'Update/Change' and the user has a permission access type of CRMLS administrator or...
// User has a permission access of association administrastor and user AOR matches the office AOR or...
((/*[LogicBlk3]*/.USERCLASS..IN.('BANGM','BANGN')).AND.(/*[LogicBlk4]*/ROSTER("UserData","MemberAOR") = OfficeAOR)).OR.
// User has a permission access of office assistant, manager, or broker and user office ID matches the office ID or...
((/*[LogicBlk5]*/.USERCLASS..IN.('OM','HM','HB','DB','OA','CB')).AND.(/*[LogicBlk6]*/UPPER(ROSTER("UserData","OfficeMlsId")) = UPPER(OfficeMlsId))).OR.
// the user office ID matches the main office ID and the office status is active.
((/*[LogicBlk7]*/UPPER(ROSTER("UserData","OfficeMlsId")) = UPPER(MainOfficeMlsId)).AND.(/*[LogicBlk8]*/OfficeStatus.IN.('A')))

Syntax only

((.UPDATEACTION..IN.('Add')).AND.(.USERCLASS..IN.('BANGG','BANGP','BANGM','BANGN','BANGQ'))).OR.((.UPDATEACTION..IN.('Change')).AND.(.USERCLASS..IN.('BANGG','BANGP','BANGQ'))).OR.((.USERCLASS..IN.('BANGM','BANGN')).AND.(ROSTER("UserData","MemberAOR") = OfficeAOR)).OR.((.USERCLASS..IN.('OM','HM','HB','DB','OA','CB')).AND.(UPPER(ROSTER("UserData","OfficeMlsId")) = UPPER(OfficeMlsId))).OR.((UPPER(ROSTER("UserData","OfficeMlsId")) = UPPER(MainOfficeMlsId)).AND.(OfficeStatus.IN.('A')))

Rule Unique ID


Rule Number