Resource: Property, Field : NumberOfUnitsInCommunity


NumberOfUnitsInCommunity must be a valid value, the number must be more than 2.

Error Messages

1) ERROR, 'number of units in community' field is invalid for the property type set.
2) ERROR, 'number of units in community' field must have a value greater than 1.
3) ERROR,  'number of units in community' field is invalid for the property sub-type set.

Fields referenced within this rule





Syntax with comments and error messages

//[ErrMsg1^ERROR, 'number of units in community' field is invalid for the property type set.|LogicBlk1^FALSE|LogicBlk2^TRUE|LogicBlk8^FALSE]
//[ErrMsg2^ERROR, 'number of units in community' field must have a value greater than 1.|LogicBlk1^FALSE|LogicBlk2^TRUE|LogicBlk9^TRUE|LogicBlk3^FALSE]
//[ErrMsg3^ERROR, 'number of units in community' field is invalid for the property sub-type set.|LogicBlk1^FALSE|LogicBlk2^TRUE|LogicBlk4^FALSE|LogicBlk6^FALSE]
// Grandfather rule... line below
(/*[LogicBlk1]*/(.ENTRY. = .OLDVALUE.).AND..NOT.(((LASTStandardStatus = .EMPTY.).OR.(LASTStandardStatus = ('I'))).AND.(StandardStatus.IN.('A','P')))).OR.
// If entry is not empty and has changed...
IIF((/*[LogicBlk2]*/(.ENTRY. != .EMPTY.).AND.(.ENTRY. != .OLDVALUE.)),
// Then check that the property type is not and an invalid value for this field and...
// the entry is 2 or greater and...
(((/*[LogicBlk3]*/.ENTRY. > 1.9).AND.
// the property sub-type is 'condominium', 'townhouse', 'stock cooperative', or 'own your own' or the property type is 'residential lease' and ...
// the property sub-type is 'apartment' and the property type is 'residential' or 'residential lease'.
// Else, accept entry if empty

Syntax only

((.ENTRY. = .OLDVALUE.).AND..NOT.(((LASTStandardStatus = .EMPTY.).OR.(LASTStandardStatus = ('I'))).AND.(StandardStatus.IN.('A','P')))).OR.IIF(((.ENTRY. != .EMPTY.).AND.(.ENTRY. != .OLDVALUE.)),(.NOT.PropertyType.IN.('Rinc','Comm','Clse','Busop','Land','Manu','FARM')).AND.(((.ENTRY. > 1.9).AND.((PropertySubType.IN.('CONDO','TWNHS','COOP','OYO')).OR.((PropertyType.IN.('Rlse')).AND.(PropertySubType.IN.('APT'))))).AND.(PropertyType.IN.('Resi','Rlse'))),.ENTRY. = .EMPTY.)

Rule Unique ID


Rule Number