Resource: Property, Field : AssociationFeeFrequency
When AssociationFee is greater than 0, AssociationFeeFrequency is required.
Error Messages
1) ERROR, the property type is 'residential' and the association fee is greater than 0 the access permissions are not of type administrator, indicate that the field is required.
Fields referenced within this rule
Syntax with comments and error messages
//[ErrMsg1^ERROR, the property type is 'residential' and the association fee is greater than 0 the access permissions are not of type administrator, indicate that the field is required.|LogicBlk1^TRUE|LogicBlk2^TRUE]
// Grandfather clause - Entry or old entry value is not empty or the last standand status was empty or has transitioned from 'incomplete' to 'active' and...
(/*[LogicBlk1]*/(.ENTRY. != .EMPTY.).OR.(.OLDVALUE. != .EMPTY.).OR.((LASTStandardStatus = .EMPTY..OR.LASTStandardStatus.IN.('I')).AND.(StandardStatus.IN.('A')))).AND.
// the property type is 'residential' and the association fee is greater than 0 the access permissions are not of type administrator and the entry is empty.
(/*[LogicBlk2]*/PropertyType.IN.('Resi').AND.AssociationFee > 0.0.AND..NOT..USERCLASS..IN.('BANGG','BANGP','BANGM','BANGN','BANGQ').AND.(.ENTRY. = .EMPTY.))
Syntax only
((.ENTRY. != .EMPTY.).OR.(.OLDVALUE. != .EMPTY.).OR.((LASTStandardStatus = .EMPTY..OR.LASTStandardStatus.IN.('I')).AND.(StandardStatus.IN.('A')))).AND.(PropertyType.IN.('Resi').AND.AssociationFee > 0.0.AND..NOT..USERCLASS..IN.('BANGG','BANGP','BANGM','BANGN','BANGQ').AND.(.ENTRY. = .EMPTY.))
Rule Unique ID
Rule Number