Resource: Property, Field : ClosePrice


ClosePrice must have a valid amount dependent on property type.

Error Messages

1) ERROR, a residential, non-timeshare property must have a close price between $8,888.00 and $1,000,000,000.00.
2) ERROR, a residential, timeshare property must have a close price between $1.00 and $100,000,000.00.
3) ERROR, a non-residential, property must have a close price between $1.00 and $100,000,000.00.

Fields referenced within this rule




Syntax with comments and error messages

//[ErrMsg1^ERROR, a residential, non-timeshare property must have a close price between $8,888.00 and $1,000,000,000.00.|LogicBlk1^FALSE|LogicBlk2^TRUE|LogicBlk3^TRUE|LogicBlk4^FALSE|LogicBlk5^TRUE]
//[ErrMsg2^ERROR, a residential, timeshare property must have a close price between $1.00 and $100,000,000.00.|LogicBlk1^FALSE|LogicBlk2^TRUE|LogicBlk6^TRUE|LogicBlk7^FALSE|LogicBlk8^TRUE]
//[ErrMsg3^ERROR, a non-residential, property must have a close price between $1.00 and $100,000,000.00.|LogicBlk1^FALSE|LogicBlk2^TRUE|LogicBlk9^TRUE|LogicBlk10^FALSE]
// Administrator bypass or...
// If entry is not empty and has changed...
IIF((/*[LogicBlk2]*/(.ENTRY. != .EMPTY.).AND.(.ENTRY. != .OLDVALUE.)),
// Then, check whether property type is residential and entry is between $8,888 and $999,999,999 and is not a timeshare or...
((/*[LogicBlk3]*/PropertyType.IN.('Resi')).AND.(/*[LogicBlk4]*/(.ENTRY. > 8888.0).AND.(.ENTRY. < 999999999.0)).AND.(/*[LogicBlk5]*/.NOT.(PropertySubType.IN.('TIME')))).OR.
// property type is residential and entry is between $8,888 and $99,999,999 and is a timeshare or...
((/*[LogicBlk6]*/PropertyType.IN.('Resi')).AND.(/*[LogicBlk7]*/(.ENTRY. > 1.0).AND.(.ENTRY. < 99999999.0)).AND.(/*[LogicBlk8]*/PropertySubType.IN.('TIME'))).OR.
// property type is not residential and entry is between $1 and $99,999,999.
((/*[LogicBlk9]*/.NOT.(PropertyType.IN.('Resi'))).AND.(/*[LogicBlk10]*/(.ENTRY. > 1.0).AND.(.ENTRY. < 99999999.0))),
// Else accept the value.
//(((.ENTRY. > 1.0) .AND. (.ENTRY. < 99999999.0)) .AND. (PropertySubType .IN. ('TIME'))))) .OR.
 /  / (.NOT.(PropertyType.IN.('Resi')).AND.((.ENTRY. > 1.0).AND.(.ENTRY. < 99999999.0)))

Syntax only

(.USERCLASS..IN.('BANGG','BANGP','BANGM','BANGN','BANGQ')).OR.IIF(((.ENTRY. != .EMPTY.).AND.(.ENTRY. != .OLDVALUE.)),((PropertyType.IN.('Resi')).AND.((.ENTRY. > 8888.0).AND.(.ENTRY. < 999999999.0)).AND.(.NOT.(PropertySubType.IN.('TIME')))).OR.((PropertyType.IN.('Resi')).AND.((.ENTRY. > 1.0).AND.(.ENTRY. < 99999999.0)).AND.(PropertySubType.IN.('TIME'))).OR.((.NOT.(PropertyType.IN.('Resi'))).AND.((.ENTRY. > 1.0).AND.(.ENTRY. < 99999999.0))),.TRUE.) /  / (.NOT.(PropertyType.IN.('Resi')).AND.((.ENTRY. > 1.0).AND.(.ENTRY. < 99999999.0)))

Rule Unique ID


Rule Number