
Getting Metadata

You can get help building client software using the published edmx metadata file at this uri



Max amount of records returned by a query based on Entity set

Entity Max Records
Office 1000
Member 500
Property 100
OpenHouse 1000

Data Replication

Our recommended approach is to query by ModificationTimestamp at a constant interval


The sample query above is requesting all listings that have been modified on or greater than September 1st, 2019. Once you have paged through all of the results, on the next interval you want to replace the datetimeoffset in quotes with the max datetimeoffset value from the last interval pull.

We have implemented server-side paging and you will be able to page through the data by following the continuation URI at the end of each page.

	  "YearBuilt": 1986,
      "YearBuiltSource": null,
      "YearEstablished": null,
      "YearsCurrentOwner": null,
      "Zoning": "R1",
      "ZoningDescription": null
  "@odata.nextLink": "https://h.api.crmls.org/RESO/OData/Property?$filter=ModificationTimestamp%20ge%20cast('2019-09-01T00:00:00.000-7',Edm.DateTimeOffset)&$skip=100"

Media Extraction

A powerful feature of the OData web api is the ability to pull media with a property query in one request.


Sample payload of a property query with expanded media

	  "WorkmansCompensationExpense": null,
      "YearBuilt": 1950,
      "YearBuiltSource": null,
      "YearEstablished": null,
      "YearsCurrentOwner": null,
      "Zoning": "R1",
      "ZoningDescription": null,
      "Media": [
          "@odata.etag": "W/\"MjAwNi0xMC0wMVQxMTo0ODo1Mi45LTA3OjAw\"",
          "MediaKeyNumeric": 55258836,
          "MediaKey": "ec66bf2f-36ef-4887-8557-f08f39c622d7",
          "OriginatingSystemMediaKey": 2232315,
          "ResourceRecordKeyNumeric": 574241,
          "LongDescription": null,
          "MediaURL": "http://media.crmls.org/media5/EC66BF2F-36EF-4887-8557-F08F39C622D7.jpg",
          "Order": 0,
          "MediaObjectID": "A317264.JPG",
          "ResourceName": "_1",
          "ClassName": "_2",
          "MediaType": "IMAGE",
          "ModificationTimestamp": "2006-10-01T11:48:52.9-07:00",
          "MediaModificationTimestamp": "2005-05-27T12:29:05.577-07:00",
          "DeletedYN": false,
          "OriginatingSystemID": "CRM",
          "MemberAOR": "AR",
          "OfficeMlsId": "XNONE",
          "ChangedByMemberID": null,
          "ChangedByMemberKeyNumeric": null,
          "ImageHeight": null,
          "ImageWidth": null,
          "MediaHTML": null,
          "ResourceRecordID": null,
          "ShortDescription": null,
          "ImageOf": null,
          "Approved": null,
          "FileSize": null