String Functions
Functions that operate on strings
Function | Description | Example | Returns |
contains | First string contains second string | contains(City, 'Bay') | boolean |
endswith | Fisrt string ends with second string | endswith(City, 'Bay') | boolean |
startswith | First string starts with second string | startswith(City, 'South') | boolean |
tolower | Convert all upper case characters to lower case | tolower('South') | string |
toupper | Convert all lower case characters to upper case | toupper('crmls') | string |
Date Functions
Functions that operate on timestamps
Function | Description | Example | Returns |
year | Extracts the four digit year | year(ContractDate) | integer |
month | Extracts the month (1-12) | month(ContractDate) | integer |
day | Extract the day of month (1-31) | day(ContractDate) | integer |
hour | Extract the hour of day (0-23) | hour(ContractDate) | integer |
minute | Extract the minutes past hour (0-59) | minute(ContractDate) | integer |
second | Extract the seconds past minute (0-59) | second(ContractDate) | integer |
now | Current time at time of query | now() | timestamp |
date | Extract the date portion of timestamp | date(ContractDate) | timestamp with time zeroed |
time | Extract the time portion of timestamp | time(ContractDate) | timestamp with date zeroed |
Record Related Operators
Keywords that operate on records
Keyword | Description | Example | Returns |
ref | ??? | Property(579274)/Media/$ref | ??? |
count | Returns count of records | Property(579274)/Media/$count | integer |
value | Returns the value within the field | Media/FileSize/$value | Same as field type |
Equality Operators
The operators below allow for the filtering of the result set.
Operator | Description |
eq | Equal |
ne | Not equal |
lt | Less than |
le | Less than or equal |
gt | Greater than |
ge | Greater than or equal |
has | Has the specified flags |
Logical Operators
The operators below allow for the filtering of the result set.
Operator | Description |
and | Logical and |
or | Logical or |
not | Logical not |
Collection Functions
The operators below allow for the filtering of the result set.
Function | Description |
any | Search flag enum for match |
all | Search flag enum for match to all specified elements |
Query Parameters
The operators below allow for the filtering of the result set.
Function | Description |
$skip | Specifies the number of results to skip. |
$select | Specifies fields to be returned. |
$filter | Filter results based upon expression provided. |
$top | Get the first X number of parameters based upon number provided. |
$orderby | Specifies desired ordering of results. |
$expand | Expand to include referenced resources specified. |
$count | Returns a count of the number of records in the result set. |